There are many problems that can arise during the printing process. The issues that immediately spring to mind when it comes to production are ones that involve the efficiency of the machines, pads or plates, their integration in the chain of production and, therefore, their reliability. Rarely does the issue of static electricity rank high in the list of potential problems. Unfortunately static electricity can cause a much larger issue to your printing line than one would think, which is why after years of research and development Tampo Canada introduced our line of Anti Static Print Pads.
If you remember from your science classes as a child, static electricity is formed when an electrical charge moves from one material to another. This action leaves the first charge positive and the next one, negative. If the material is conductive, then there isn’t an issue. On the other hand, if it is not conductive, the static charge does not move and accumulates in one place. It is this accumulative charge that everyone in our industry needs to avoid.
Why is this accumulating static electricity such a large issue? Because static electricity attracts DUST, and dust is the enemy of any successful printing production line. From the loss of quality of the printed image, to extra man-hours spent cleaning the accumulated dust from the machine itself. Static Electricity is most prevalent when dealing with a material that has a high static charge, such as ABS, Polystyrene and Acrylic.
This is why we at Tampo led the charge (no pun intended) in developing our Anti Static printing pads. Not only does this allow you to print on the high static charge parts mentioned above but they are also ideal for dry condition environments, especially in the Canadian winter months.
Since their initial launch our antistatic pads are becoming more popular because of their anti static properties, high tear strength and long life.